Theme: "Saving Culture, Investments, Knowledge, Achievement, No Boundaries"
Venue: Kenya School of Monetary Studies Campus, Nairobi, Kenya.
12th to 14th November, 2023

Prof. Maria Victoria U Rosas, Ph.D, DBE.


IJSSE is inviting manuscripts for Volume 11 CLICK HERE
The International Journal of Social Sciences and Entrepreneurship (IJSSE) is a peer reviewed and refereed journal that officially publishes quality journals in social sciences and humanities. This is an open access journal, published monthly in both printed and online versions. IJSSE is a global academic journal projected towards bringing out research papers from practitioners and academics. The Journal stresses on academic excellence, research rigor, knowledge dissemination, and collaborative scholarly efforts. The scope of articles for our journals includes case studies, theoretical and empirically based research.


IJAE - International Journal of Arts and Entrepreneurship
IJAE publishes issues relating to innovations, finance and business acumen, economic goods, business start-ups, social entrepreneurship, political entrepreneurship, knowledge entrepreneurship, intra-preneurship, corporate venturing, entrepreneurial skills and interests, architecture and design, divinity and theology, fine arts, film and television, integrated studies, journalism, landscape architecture, liberal arts, library science, music, music education, mortuary science, philosophy, psychology, education, forestry, social work, law, tourism studies, mathematics, urban and regional planning, public affairs and policy management creative arts, performing arts, poetry, literautre, theatre, film, dance, culture, magic, collaboration, money and lifestyle. In addition, developments in IT/IS, such as enterprise resource planning and management information systems are also addressed in this journal.
IJAE is inviting manuscripts for Volume 11 issue 4 of our journals for publication. Submission deadline is on 25th June 2024.

IJSM - International Journal of Strategic management.
IJSM- The Strategic Management Journal seeks to publish the highest quality research with questions, evidence and conclusions that are relevant to strategic management and engaging to strategic management scholars. We receive manuscripts with a diverse mix of topics, framings, and methods, and our acceptances reflect this diversity.
More specifically, it seeks to publish papers that develop and/or test theory, explore interesting phenomena, and evaluate the many methodologies used in our field. We welcome a diverse range of researcher methods and are open to papers that rely on statistical inference, qualitative studies, conceptual models, computational models and various kinds of mathematical models.
IJSM is inviting manuscripts for Volume 11 issue 4 of our journals for publication. Submission deadline is on 25th June 2024.

IJHRP - International Journal of Human Resource and Procurement
IJHRP publishes issues relating to human resource development, employee recruitment, training & compensation, individual and organizational culture, employee relations, ethics & corporate social responsibility, labor relations, organizational & employee development, employee safety & security, staffing management, HRM technology, outsourcing, global purchasing and supplier development, procurement & supply chain management, and contract management. In addition, developments in IT/IS, such as enterprise resource planning and radio frequency identification, purchasing and supply management are also addressed in this journal.
IJHRP is inviting manuscripts for Volume 11 issue 4 of our journals for publication. Submission deadline is on 25th June 2024.

IJFA - International Journal of Finance and Accounting
IJFA International Journal of Finance and Accounting (IJFA), provides a forum for exchanging of ideas and expanding of the novel theoretical and practical researches that cover finance, accounting, and their interface areas. The journal welcomes researchers to submit their original and unpublished full papers for intended publication through its blind review process. The submitted works should not be under review in any other journal. Both printed and online versions of IJFA are available. The online versions of IJEF papers can be downloaded free of charge.
IJFA is inviting manuscripts for Volume 11 issue 4 of our journals for publication. Submission deadline is on 25th June 2024.

EJ0BM - European Journal of Business and Management
EJOBM Journals a broad-based open access, was founded on two key tenets: To publish the most exciting researches with respect to the subjects of our functional Journals. Secondly, to provide a rapid turn-around time possible for reviewing and publishing, and to disseminate the articles freely for teaching and reference purposes. The establishment of this Journal, is an answer to the wishes and desires of many researchers and teachers in developing nations who lack free access to quality materials online. This Journal opts to bring panacea to this problem, and to encourage research development. EJOBM is inviting manuscripts for Volume 11 issue 4 of our journals for publication. Submission deadline is on 25th June 2024.
"To promote research development by making them available, accessible and usable to the global academic community and the world at large through open access."
- To publish research in a manner that makes it accessible, available and usable to the global academic community and the world at large;
- To promote and encourage the reporting of formal and informal research by practitioners;
- To publish papers presented in conferences, symposium and workshops;
- To promote the use and understanding of quality research methods;
- To raise awareness of new tools, books and funding opportunities for research;
- To provide an overview of research activity and developments in Africa, Americas, Asia, Europe and the entire globe;
- To create a repository body and digital library of all research in universities that can be accessed across the globe.
IJSSE is inviting manuscripts for Volume 9 issue 4 of our journals for publication. Forthcoming issue (APRIL 2021). Submission deadline is on 25th November 2024.
IJSSE undertakes a full double-blind refereeing process that comprises of the following steps:
- Paper is sent to 2 reviewers for review.The reviewers' recommendations determine whether a paper will be accepted / accepted subject to change / subject to re-submission with significant changes / rejected.
- For papers which require changes, the same reviewers will be used to ensure that the quality of the revised paper is acceptable.
- If the paper is accepted by the reviewers, author(s) will be notified to pay the author fee.
- Acceptance letter will be provided after the payment has been made.
- Author/Corresponding Author will be notified about the possible date of publication.