Abdalla Mbarak Athmani
David Kiarie Mburu
E-business has fully played its role on supply chain management due to human factors including insufficient leadership, unwillingness to cooperate, resistance to change, inertia, lack of trust, personal insecurity, fear of losing jobs, threat of being by-passed by technology, communication problems and difficulties in aligning the processes and cultures of partner companies. This paper calls for more research into the roles of e-business on supply chains, based upon the realization that the supply chain is often neglected in current e-business applications. E-business not only does it deal with technology, but also a range of important human and organizational issues. Research of ICT-based systems in organizations consistently demonstrate that insufficient consideration of a system’s social environment and the relationships between people and technology has been a major reason why investments have often been assessed as being a failure, or only a partial success. Currently available e-business solutions are still some way from covering the entire spectrum of business requirements and relatively few options are readily available to support or automate complex activities.
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