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Alloice King’ala Ngereza

MSc. Procurement Student, Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology

Dr. Amuhaya Iravo M.

Lecturer, Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology


The study sought to establish the challenges influencing the implementation of electronic payment systems. The particular factors identified were poor Security measures, Regulatory and Legal Issues, Socio-Cultural Challenges, Infrastructure, Financial barriers, Institutional barriers, Political barriers and attitudinal barriers along with any other factor captured during data collection and analysis. The researcher adopted a descriptive research design. The analysis involved primary data obtained through questionnaire, interviews and secondary data obtained from journals and books. The study was based on Kenya Airways Company, a leading national carrier whose core business is transportation of passengers and luggage in Kenya and across the borders. It was evident from the findings that Kenya airways EPS process was not effective as indicated by 68 percent of the responses. It was also found that the firm had no staff training policy on the process with majority of the staff involved in procurement just relying on seminar training to run the procurement unit. The findings from the research gave conclusion that focused on the need to establish training programmes as well as maintaining high organizational culture. Overall there was the felt need to distribute and train personnel on the public procurement and disposal act policies and procedures. This study contributes to our knowledge on procurement process by presenting the key factors of challenges influencing implementation of electronic payment systems: poor security measures, Regulatory and Legal Issues, Socio-Cultural Challenges, Infrastructure, financial barriers, Institutional barriers, Political barriers and attitudinal barriers. Therefore a case study of Kenya Airways was carried out to show how the electronic payment evolved, development and the challenges of implementing the electronic payment systems.

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