Wachira Joyce. N.
Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology
Dennis Juma
Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology
Organizations worldwide have come to appreciate the importance of strategy in dealing with emerging global competition and changing business environment. The public sector in Kenya has been required to develop strategic plan as directed by the Performance Contracting guidelines (2010-2011), Kenya Vision 2030 and sector development plan. This study endeavored to investigate how the bureaucratic organizational structure affects strategic plan implementation in the public sector in Kenya, and recommend ways in which this structure can be improved in order for it to support the process of strategic plan implementation in an effective and efficient manner. The case study facilitated an in depth study on how the bureaucratic structure affects strategic plan implementation. Further, the research was based on qualitative method whereby both structured and non structured questionnaires were administered to the selected respondents. This study targeted all the employees who are involved directly or indirectly in the implementation of the organization’s strategic plan the public universities in Kenya. The study found out that the bureaucratic structure in the Kenyan public universities affects the process of decision making in implementation of the strategic plan which greatly derailed the implementation of strategic plan in terms of effectiveness and efficiency. Other effects include the process of resources allocation and thus completion of tasks in strategic plan implementation in the Kenyan public universities. Communication flow also affects the process of strategic plan implementation especially where vital information is delayed, or is not availed at all. The bureaucratic structure affects the level of employee commitment to organizational goals. This is reflected through detachment and aloofness that emanates from the structure which in turn affects the process of strategic plan implementation.
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