Mumuni I. Aliata
School of Business, Department of Secretaryship and Management Studies, Wa Polytechnic, Wa, Upper West Region
Bowan A. Patrick
School of Engineering, Department of Civil Engineering, Wa Polytechnic, Wa Upper West Region
Insah Baba
School of Business, Department of Secretaryship and Management Studies, Wa Polytechnic, Wa, Upper West Region
Entrepreneurship training syllabus for Polytechnics in Ghana has remained the same in content and delivery for decades. This syllabus has been described as theoretic and white collar job oriented. This study examined the effect of Competence-Based Approach to entrepreneurship education on the acquisition of relevant entrepreneurial skills.The study employed questionnaires and interviews to collect data and used percentages and graphs for the analysis. The results of the study revealed that competency based entrepreneurial education gives self-confidence and optimism to start a business, increases the desire to take risks and the willingness to accept change. The study thus recommends that Competency-Based Approaches to entrepreneurship education is a path to achieving the desired goals of creating jobs through entrepreneurship training.
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