Nyaboke Joyce Moturi
Corresponding Author, Water Services Regulatory Board
Dr Robert Arasa
The Catholic University of Eastern Africa (CUEA)
Mr Kepha Ombui
Kenya Agricultural Research Institute (KARI)
Water governance has been identified as a key issue in water resources management and in the processes of water supply service delivery. This is in recognition of the fact that, several trends and factors are currently increasing the likelihood of a serious crisis in Kenya over the medium and long-term; one of which is the lack of accountability and transparency which exists at some levels within the water sector, leading to corruption. This study sought to investigate the effects of public procurement policies on organizational performance by focusing on WASREB. The objectives of this study were to establish the effects of public procurement policies on transparency and efficiency in service delivery of WASREB. This study used a case study design. The study population was 41 staff of WASREB. Since the study population was small, a survey design was used and the whole population was used in the study. Out of the study population of 41 respondents, 40 responses were obtained which represent a 97.57% response rate. In collecting data, the study used semi structured questionnaires. The questionnaire was administered using a drop and pick later method to the sampled respondents. The quantitative data in this research was analyzed by use of descriptive and inferential statistics using statistical package for social sciences (SPPS). Descriptive statistics such as mean, frequency, standard deviation and percentages were used to profile sample characteristics and major patterns emerging from the data. Data was then presented in tables and charts. The study also used correlation analysis to establish the relationship between the dependent variable and independent variables. This study established that public procurement policy influences integrity most followed by fairness, accountability and professionalism in WASREB to a great extent. The study further established that public procurement policy maximizes level of service provision to a great extent. The study therefore recommends that the existing policies should be reviewed or strengthened so as to effectively govern the water sector procurement activities and processes.
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