Cheruiyot Kipngeno Patrick
Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology, Kenya
Studies of the integrated supply chain and impact on supply chain performance are still inconclusive. While the literature is stating that the most admired and feared competitors today are companies that link their customers and suppliers into tightly integration networks, previous studies showed a positive, but rather weak link, between supply chain integration and supply chain performance. An increasing number of organizations both in public and private sectors recognize the potential of integrated supply chain in enhance supply chain performance. The purpose of this study was to examine the impact of integrated supply chain on the supply chain performance in KTDA. Scale items were identified from the literature and the resulting survey instrument sent out to 132 respondents. A new construct of supply chain integration and performance as well as regression model were developed for this study. The findings indicated that the supply chain integration was positively associated with supply chain performance. Overall, this research provided significant contributions to the SCI, SCP literature and the SCI practices in KTDA. This research also contributed to theoretical and practical knowledge by providing a new model for enhancing SCI in an organization. The model can help researchers and managers to focus on important SCI and SCP factors. The results of the study provided further insights into the roles of internal, supplier and customer integration in enhancing supply chain performance and for managers to reflect on.
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