Laboso K. Theophilus
Masters Student, Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology, Kenya
This study sought to assess the role of logistics on green procurement management at public institutions in Kenya: A Case study of Kenya Agricultural Research Institute (KARI). In previous researches into green procurement the main efforts have been directed towards private purchasing, as opposed to public procurement. The specific objectives of this study was to evaluate the contribution of vendor managed inventory to green procurement at public institutions, to establish the effects of management of transport services on green procurement at public institutions, to determine the contribution of packaging logistics to green procurement at public institutions and to find out the role of information sharing management on green procurement at public institutions. The target population of the study was the work force of KARI, Njoro. A sample was selected from this population using the stratified random sampling technique and data collected from members of this sample using interview schedules. The data was analyzed using both descriptive and inferential statistics. Results showed that Vendor Managed Inventory, Packaging Logistics and Information Sharing play a significant role in supporting green procurement at KARI. The ratings showed that VMI formed a support tool for Green Procurement, employees’ awareness of the Practice of Vendor Managed Inventory and training on green procurement through Inventory Management are significant determinant of how VMI contributes to green procurement at public institutions. On transport management contribute to green procurement and its effects on cost and that the management of transport services was significant to green Procurement management. Information sharing was critical to implementation of green procurement and its implementation would not only reduce the associated costs but also add value to public procurement through cost reduction and enriching of employees knowhow on green public procurement. Finally, it was evident from the findings of the study that the stakeholders were informed of the already existing methods of attaining green procurement by using packaging logistics in an organizational setup. There was need to employ other innovative ways of Inventory Management techniques besides Vendor Managed Inventory in adding value and in the improvement of green procurement. On the management of transport services for a greener procurement, the employees and other stakeholders in public organizations will be part of the achievement of green procurement upon their active involvement in the use of cleaner and safer fuels in the transport sector. Finally, there is need for investment in modern information systems that will not only help in information sharing but also on real time basis. The use of technology will significantly improve packaging logistics for green procurement and hence the need for allocation of resources within public organizations based on the pre-defined goals for greener logistics for greener public procurement.
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