Simon Plimo Loitaruk
MSc. Human Resource, Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology, Kenya
Dr. Wario Guyo
Lecturer, Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology, Kenya
As one of the largest recipients of public resources, correctional organizations such as Kenya prison service must answer the call to be prudent stewards of public input and strive to be higher performing and dedicated to building their competencies, capacities, and systems towards achieving performance excellence. The main objective of the study was to evaluate the determinants of organization development interventions at Kenya Prison Service particularly in Kamiti Main Prison in Nairobi. The study employed a descriptive research design because the main aim of the study was intended on collecting quantitative and qualitative data for in-depth analysis of organization development interventions in Kenya Prisons Service. The study was conducted at Kamiti Main Prison with a total population of 710 officers. The study adopted systematic random sampling technique to select 71 respondents who represented the target population of 710 officers. The primary data was collected using semi-structured questionnaires which were issued to respondents. Secondary data for the research was collected from past published theoretical and empirical scholarly work on organization development interventions. The study concluded that prisons organization has set performance targets to be achieved by prison officer. Prison supervisors are concerned about officers’ achievement of set targets as well as acquisition of more relevant skills and knowledge to improve on their performance. This is indicated by supervisors’ commitments in recommending officers for knowledge and skills acquisition. Training needs analysis and mentorship of junior officers was regularly conducted at prison institutions. All these indicated that there are effective organization development interventions being implemented at Kenya prisons service to enhance organizational development. The study recommend that the institution should enhance employees’ quality of Work life by responding to employee needs through development of the necessary mechanisms and to avoid overloading of officers and to improve their pay as well as improving employees working conditions. This will go along way to improving officers’ quality of working life and the overall organization development.
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