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Dr. Christopher Humphrey Wanga (BVM, MPH) OGW

Masters of Business Administration Student, Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology, Kenya

Dr. Cecilia Ritho PhD

Senior Lecturer, College of Agriculture and Veterinary Sciences of the University of Nairobi, Kenya

Dr. Agnes Njeru PhD

Lecturer, Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology, Kenya


This study was a descriptive cross sectional survey that was conducted in Kenya among the randomly selected sample of veterinarians between April and July 2013. The study involved a two stage sampling where 63 individual respondents were recruited. Questionnaires were the main tools used for data collection coupled with key informant interviews. Out of a total of 2512 registered veterinary surgeons in Kenya, only 254 were licensed to carry out private animal health practice. Most respondents identified challenges to establishing a practice to include high capital outlay, uncertainty on viable practice areas, dependence on employment, lack of role models and inadequate information during training and on graduation which discourages young graduates from engaging in private practices. 98.1 % of the respondents preferred setting up practices in rain fed areas with only 1.9 % preferring the arid and semi arid areas. Savings were the most preferred source of capital for starting a private practice at 42.6% followed by family at 40.7% with loans accounting for just 12.9%. Debts were identified as the largest hindrance to sustainability of private practices by74.1% respondents, while inadequate clients account for 16.7% of encountered challenges. The study recommended creating an enabling environment for the private sector through the use of credit, sanitary mandates, and legislative reform that reduces barriers to private supply of veterinary services and mapping the whole country into viable veterinary private practice units .Further, special financial incentives and credit schemes that can encourage new veterinary graduates to the private sector should be set up.  The information that has been generated shall  help policy makers in improving delivery of animal health services in Kenya while promoting sustainable livestock based livelihoods and a vibrant economy supported by a well developed animal resources industry.

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