David Koome Mutea
Masters Student, Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology, Kenya
Dr. Makori Maronge
Lecturer, Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology, Kenya
Gordon Karanja
Lecturer, Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology, Kenya
The effectiveness and efficiency in management of public procurement projects are important ingredients for the development and growth of any country. Poor management of public procurement projects has been witnessed commonly resulting from non adherence to proper procurement processes and procedures as enshrined in various procurement related legislations. For efficiency and value for money to be obtained a cross public entities, procurement must conform to the best practices. In Kenya the government has set standards that are backed by various legislations which includes article 227 of constitution that provides guidance on public procurement matters, PPDA, 2005 that stipulates procedures for efficient public procurement and establishes public procurement oversight body, PPO. Despite these elaborate reforms in public procurement, the gains envisaged including maximizing economy and efficiency, increasing transparency and accountability have remained elusive. Procurement projects management in the NPS continues to draw attention both from the internal and external environment. There are various factors that affect efficient management of public procurement projects and it was the purpose of the study to analyze the determinants of efficient management of procurement projects in the National Police Service. The researcher used descriptive research design. The target population considered in the study was procurement personnel in the National Police Service within Nairobi County estimated to be 200. The establishment was categorized into three levels and the simple random sampling technique was adopted at each level. The sample size was 30% of the population selected from the three ranking cadres in the NPS i.e. senior management, middle level management and the low level management (support staff). Structured questionnaire was used to collect data so as to ensure consistency. Data processing was done using SPSS and Microsoft excels and presented in the form of tabulations, percentages, mean and standard deviation. The study concludes that the police service staff carrying out procurement attended formal training facilitated by the government which included both in-house and outside workshops, seminars and training sessions. The study as well concludes that, the condition of government policy was generally average which falls below expectation. The study recommends that, National Police Service should encourage more of its employees especially procurement staff to further their education in the discipline. The study also recommends that proficiency in-service training as a component of career development initiative must be closely coordinated with organization’s training efforts.
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