Frank Abner Michieka
Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology, Kenya
Ogollah Kennedy (PhD)
Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology, Kenya
Organization Design is concerned with the relationships and interconnectivity between people, work, formal structures, informal practices, and cultural behaviors, both internally and externally, it is about the way in which an organization manages and coordinates its human, administrative and operational resources to benefit from unique capabilities over the long-term. The business of banking and financial institutions in Kenya has been, and is still, going through a period of rapid and profound change, of which the development of new organization design is extremely important. Statistics from Central Banks of Kenya (CBK) show that the Banking sector has recorded a decline in performance in some banks as from 2011 with National Bank of Kenya announcing a profit decline of 17 percent in first-half posting a profit of 911.8 million shillings from the 1.1 billion shillings posted in year 2011. Studies by Kenya Bankers Association show that there is stiff competition faced by NBK from other banks like Equity and Standard Chartered Banks and it is anticipated that the Organization Design efforts will herald the performance of NBK. The study will be guided by the following objectives; to determine the effect of organization structure in the performance of commercial banks in Kenya, to determine effect of organizational resources in the performance of commercial banks in Kenya, to establish the effect of technology on the performance of commercial banks in Kenya and to determine the effect of strategic human resource management practices on the performance of commercial banks in Kenya. A sample of 20% was selected from within each stratum of the low level, middle level and top level management in proportions that each stratum bears to the study population. This study collected both primary and secondary data. The study used a survey questionnaire. The study selected a pilot group of 10 individuals from the target population at National Bank of Kenya to test the reliability of the research instrument. Quantitative data collected was analyzed by the use of descriptive statistics using SPSS (Version 21) and presented through percentages, means, standard deviations and frequencies. The findings strongly agreed that the organization structure must be aligned to put the strategy in effect. The study concludes that organization structure involves how programs and tasks are coordinated and the tools or mechanisms used to coordinate. The study recommends that an organization structure (OS) must be aligned to put the strategy into effect.
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