Duncan Shiundu
Masters Student, Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology, Kenya
Dr. Gladys Rotich
Lecturer, Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology, Kenya
Today, in many countries, public procurement has become an issue of public attention and debate, and has been subjected to reforms, restructuring, rules and regulations. In Kenya, public procurement still suffers from fraud and misconduct with public officials distorting the regulations to restrict the participation of interested firms in procurement, or still direct the outcome of others. This study sought to evaluate the factors influencing efficiency of procurement systems at the City Council of Nairobi. The research focused on the procurement employees at the Council. The study sought to answer the question; what are the factors influencing efficiency of procurement systems at the City Council of Nairobi? Descriptive survey was adopted in this study. The target population for the study was procurement employees of the City Council of Nairobi. Since the population was not very large (63) a census approach was adopted. This study adopted questionnaires as a principal instrument for data collection. Data collected was purely quantitative and was analyzed using descriptive statistics which included use of frequencies, percentages and means. Data was presented using tables and charts. To further understand the relationship between the variables, a linear regression was carried out. From the findings, employee competence, information technology, records management and management styles influenced procurement efficiency at CCN. The study concludes that several developed countries have taken steps recently to revise their public procurement systems to improve their efficiency. The CCN is committed to improving efficiency in the public procurement system at every opportunity for the purpose of enhancing:- Accountability in decision-making structures; Responsiveness to citizens of the country; Professionalism to improve performance; Transparency in the procedures and policies and Appeal rights to redress meritorious grievances of suppliers. The study recommended, among other things, that procurement staff should possess sets of skills appropriate in procurement activities; Eprocurement should be adopted as well as a good record keeping culture to ensure there is a comprehensive statistics on the value of goods, services and works procured.
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