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Muniu N. David

Masters Student, Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology, Kenya

Dr. Gladys Rotich

Lecturer, Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology, Kenya


The National Police Service is made up of Administration Police service and Kenya Police Service. The government has been carrying out police reforms with an aim of improving its service delivery to the public and effectiveness in security operations. Despite the number of police officers being increased through annual recruitment coupled with enhanced intelligence collection, the annual crime rate has gradually been escalating and response to security emergencies appalling. The Administration Police Service like many military and other emergency response organizations stockpiles supplies which are mobilized to officers in the field in case of a security emergency. The purpose of the study was to analyze the effects of inventory stockpiling to security operations of Administration Police Service with an objective of finding out to what extent inventory management skills, policy on stockpiling, inventory location and financing of inventory stockpile affected security operation in Administration Police Service. The target population of the study included Administration Police staff totaling to 105. A stratified sampling technique was employed. The Officers were divided into three levels and then stratified random sampling was used to give a representative sample size of 42 AP staff which was 40% of the population. Data collected through self administered questionnaires was processed using SPSS version 20, analyzed and presented using frequency tables. The study found out that staff inventory management skills; the location of inventory, inventory policy and financing of inventory affected AP security operations. The study recommends that the administration police service should increase the funding of inventory stockpile as well as training of AP staff on inventory management. On the inventory policy the study recommends that the AP should work on their inventory policy on when and how to replenish their inventory. In addition the AP should stagger their inventory near areas of operation for ease of security operation.

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