Hashim Shuria
Doctor of Business Administration Student, United States International University, Kenya
The purpose of the study was to provide an analysis of the fundraising challenges faced by NGOs when sourcing funds from individuals in Kenya. While NGOs are increasingly diversifying their revenues from different sources, fundraising becomes core feature in the survival of this organizations. NGOs in Kenya fundraise from different donors but the extent of fundraising from individual donors is not visible among many of these organizations. The study adopted descriptive research method. The population consisted of all NGOs registered with NGO Coordination Board that were physically located in Westlands District of Nairobi County. The data was collected using structured questionnaires and the analysis was done using SPSS and Excel as tool of analysis. The response rate for the study was 70% out of which 60% of the respondents were International NGOs whereas 40% of the respondents were local NGOs. Findings show that 83% of the organizations have less than 30% of their total funds generated from individuals. The findings revealed that organizations used different methods of fundraising. Organizations have identified NGO Act and income tax Act as laws affecting fundraising while most of the organizations do not have tax exemption certificates. Majority of the organizations lacked professional fundraising staffs and rarely engaged fundraising consultants or volunteers in their fundraising activities. It’s recommended that the NGOs must adopt the culture of being proactive and constantly reading global trends even as they set their fundraising strategies, methods and communication with the stakeholders in promoting the organization and maintaining constant relationship. Strengthening the existing laws or introducing proper laws governing fundraising and resource mobilizations so as to systematically regulate fundraising is also recommended. NGOs should consider strengthening their capacity in fundraising through engaging qualified fundraising staffs, volunteers and the board members to link the organizations to different stakeholders.
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