Dijana Subotički
Ph.D. Student of gender studies at ACIMSI (Association of Centres for Interdisciplinary and Multidisciplinary Studies and Research), Center for Gender Studies, University of Novi Sad, Serbia
This work represents the analysis of daily and weekly newspaper editions from the gender perspective in order to find the contexts in which the female politicians are represented. The aim of study is to find out if daily newspapers confirm or deny social reality of female politicians in Serbia concerning their appearances in politics, whether they are informing about female politicians and which attitudes about politicians they support. I used the quantitative and qualitative method of analysis of media discourse and I have interpreted the contents of articles in the following daily newspapers: Politika, Dnevnik, Blic as well as in weekly newpapers: Kikindske novine and Nove kikindske novine. I have focused on newspapers discourse linguistic characteristics in writing about the mentioned topics. The analysis has shown a very small number of news articles about female politicians which was expected due to our social reality. Most represented genres were informative ones on how the linguistic point of view are characterized by a reduced linguistic expression, and gender sensitive language is rarely used, therefore female politicians are often “invisible” when job positions are mentioned. Having in mind that daily newspapers can and should contribute to promotion of role of female politicians, as well as have an influence in forming positive attitudes in readers about female politicians, I give recommendations on how the media should report about them in order to make them more visible.
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