José Manuel Elija Guamba (PhD.)
Eduardo Mondlane University, Republic of Mozambique
The countryside has always lived large transformations in the productive and social dynamics. To a greater or lesser extent, these changes have been due to more or less planned interventions by agents who were somehow linked to this universe named. Whereas this intervention process is dynamic and that its format change to the same extent that promotes changes in social reality, in this article we will analyze the elements that make up the path of rural development projects and set their different conceptions. We will emphasize that the intervention process in the countryside can be conducted in different ways, with different objectives and by a great diversity of social actors. The research-action proved to be the most appropriate method since the idea was participatory intervention in the social reality of the researched group. Is an appropriate method to understand and intervene in social reality, thanks to its ability to stay in touch with the real problems. In it, participants play an active role and, recognizing the complexity of social reality, all variables are considered in the research (THIOLLENT, 1988). This case study dealt with how the solidarity economy can be the path to the generation of work and income for the population of the informal market. It is important to note that without the partnership between academia, the public sector and civil society in this work would not be possible. Among other conclusions and recommendations the experience of the project in the neighborhood of green areas, domestic vegetable gardens in Mahotas and community has shown that the formation of popular cooperatives through partnership, encourages people to improve the quality of life, not only for the families involved, but also for the local community. These experiences can generate the greatest streams of income for the community and, consequently, create better living conditions for the population.
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