Augustine Kiruka Kariuki
Masters of Business Administration, Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology, Kenya
Winifred N. Karugu
Lecturer, Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology, Kenya
Two decades ago, consumer shopping was based on dollar value, to acquiring needed goods and service. Nowadays, shopping is based on decision making processes which are influenced by various factors that result from competitive environment manufacturing firms are operating in. These factors influence a consumer to choose and purchase a particular product amongst many for the same need. This study sought to investigate these factors and their influence on purchasing decisions of non-edible products by consumers in supermarkets in Nairobi Central Business District. The specific objectives guiding the study being, whether brand, perception, price and packaging influence consumer purchase decisions of non-edible products in supermarkets within NCBD. The study had a target population of all consumers who shop within NCBD supermarkets. Primary data was sourced through a questionnaire which was administered using simple random sampling technique in coming up with a sample size of 90 respondents. The study generated both qualitative and quantitative data, coded and entered into SPSS and analyzed using descriptive statistics. Presentation was done in forms of tables and figure where interpretation was done in prose. Based on the findings the study revealed that consumers buy a brand whose information is easy to understand even if it’s new to them provided it satisfies their needs and gain confidence to purchase a product based on the brand. Further, the consumers screen all information available to them regarding a product before reaching a purchasing decision, while effort by manufacturers to create product awareness creates a positive impression in the consumer’s mind. Likewise, fancy packaging, advertising campaigns and promotions influence pricing of non-edible product. Moreover, packaging contributes to their price expectations about a product and that attractive packaging promotes sales.
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