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Mmari Goodluck Aletaulwa

Faculty of Business and Information Sciences, Moshi University College of Co-operative and Business Studies, Tanzania

Kitala Christian Tobias Malamsha

Faculty of Co-operative and Community Development, Moshi University College of Co-operative and Business Studies, Tanzania


The main objective of this study was to analyse factors that influence levels of accessibility to credit among owners of small and medium vehicle garage enterprises in Arusha city and Moshi Municipality. The study involved cross-sectional design where data were collected once while sampling procedure involved multi-stage sampling technique with two stages. The first stage was used to select geographical location while the second stage was used to select vehicle garage enterprises and the main respondents. In total, 245 vehicle garage enterprises were selected randomly from the study area while their owners were selected purposely because of their positions. In addition, 20 key informants were selected purposely to complement information given by the main respondents. Data for the study were collected using interviews and documentary reviews. It was found that accessibility to credit among owners were influenced by: size of the vehicle garages; highest levels of education possessed by owners; and location of the vehicle garage enterprises. Owners of the vehicle garage enterprises are advised to increase accessibility to credit among them. This can be done by establishing their own SACCOS that can be used to issue credit to members at reduced rates of interests; applying for land from the government in order to construct permanent garages that can be used as collaterals in financial institutions; and by formalising their vehicle garage enterprises by registering them in the government. Owners are further advised to increase performance of their vehicle garage enterprises by increasing their sizes, increasing their levels of education, establishing and managing own built vehicle garage enterprises.

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