Maritim Beatrice Chepkorir
Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology, Kenya
The study sought to investigate the determinants of quality service delivery in an organization performance using a case study of Coast General Hospital. In order to achieve the purpose of this study, three specific research objectives were addressed, these were: to determine the how customer related factors influence quality of service delivery, to determine how employee related factors influence quality of service delivery and to identify how institutional related factors influence quality of service delivery. The data for this study was collected from primary and secondary sources. Questionnaire was the main research instrument. The study ran in two stages: the pilot stage, followed by the main study. The questionnaire was tested for reliability of test scores by the use of a single administration of a test. The data was analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics, mean, regression and with the assistance of statistical package for social sciences. The results from the statistical analysis were presented using tables. The conclusion was then drawn based on the findings in order to answer the research objectives.
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