IJSSE - International Journal of Social Sciences and Entrepreneurship Upcoming Journals: International Journal of Innovation and Management (IJIM), International Journal of Engineering and Architecture (IJEA) & International Journal of Science and Agriculture | IJAE, IJEF & IJHRP Call for Papers - Forthcoming Issue (Decemer 2014). Submission deadline: 25th December 2014 |

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International Journal of Social Sciences and Entrepreneurship (IJSSE)

International Journals and Conferences

Dear Scholar,

You are invited to be a member of the International Journal of Social Sciences and Entrepreneurship (IJSSE) and editorial board member of IJSSE International journals, kindly register your details for this link (Based on your Field)

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International Journal of Social Sciences and Entrepreneurship
International Journals and Conferences http://ijsse.org/conferences

About the organization

The IJSSE-International Journal of Social Sciences and Entrepreneurship is an independent organization to support the educationist and researchers all over the world. IJSSE is a relationship of scientists, researchers, professors, Doctors and engineers from the various fields of the science and Technology. The organization aims to organize the conferences, workshops, Research, development programs, guidance to do research work in around the world. The IJSSE publish the original research papers and review papers, surveys, case studies, technical and management reports, viewpoints, conference publications, thesis, book reviews, notes, commentaries and news in various themes of scientific research.

Benefits for IJSSE Membership

IJSSE invites you to join in and work with the scientific and research committees of the conferences and journal’s editorial boards. Membership in the IJSSE scientific and research committees can open windows of prospect or your professional growth and development as without cost. Through the scientific and technical committees and divisions, and several occasions for scientific and research exchange with colleagues, IJSSE gives scientists the power to enhance their knowledge, skills, and professional options.

Members of IJSSE

  1. Invited to join the editorial board members of the IJSSE Journals.
  2. Offer to organize and conference chair of new upcoming IJSSE conferences.
  3. Invited to assign the committee or chair of the relevant IJSSE Journals and conference.
  4. Invited to the Editor and Reviewer of the relevant IJSSE Journals and conference.
  5. Register the IJSSE conference with a discounted price.
  6. Invited to deliver a keynote speech at the relevant IJSSE conference.
  7. The Chairs' of IJSSE will be decide at the each year, which will select the candidates for fellow members and the selected members will be announced on the website.

IJSSE Fellow Membership award

The fellow member nominees are should be the sincere, responsible, confident, positive attitude towards joining with all of IJSSE Journals and Conferences. The IJSSE Fellowship is conferred on Professor, Engineers and Scientists and shall be given a person of distinction and outstanding education, and who has made extraordinary contributions in the engineering area.

Join as Editorial Board Member

  1. We are looking for professionals to join our Editorial Board member. You will be permitted subsequent benefits at the same time as servicing with us as an editorial board member of the IJSSE journals.
  2. You are imposed to read suspiciously various manuscripts in your area of importance research area. This is the manner you are regularly required to keep yourself up to date at the same time as checking and suggesting the changes in manuscripts
  3. This work helps to add in and provides a better way to create your identity as a well known expert in your field and may lead to increased invitations to speak at conferences or demand for inviting research of your specialized research area.
  4. Your ideas and subject knowledge inputs may facilitate in arranging issues as per topics of your interest research area and choice.
  5. Research articles provided by the editorial board members will be published with a 30% discount.

Turn into an associate editor/reviewer Benefits

  1. Manuscript reviewers are vital to the publication process, and as an associate editor/ reviewer, you will gain valuable experience in research publication. We invite you to become an associate editor/ reviewer of our International journals.
  2. Peer review services will enhance your knowledge of professional standards.
  3. With the aim of providing a good review, a thoughtful and well objective report with suggested improvements for our authors, Reviewers must be prepared to invest the necessary time to evaluate the manuscript/article thoroughly.
  4. Once published in one of our journals, there is a possibility of being asked to become a reviewer of that journal.

Author Guidelines:

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International Journal of Social Sciences and Entrepreneurship.

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