Phylis Atieno Mboya MBA Student Jomo Kenyatta University, Department of Commerce Economic studies Dr. Karanja Ngugi Lecturer, Jomo Kenyatta University, Department of Entrepreneurship and Procurement
Research shows that the use of information and communications technology (ICT) plays a very key role in the growth and development of the economy in developing countries. ICT has been seen as a tool that increases efficiency; create new opportunities for generating income, access to various new markets and generally improving governance. ICT has contributed to significant changes in developing countries in the past two decades with some of the changes to include economics, communication, education and travel. This study sought to establish the influence of adoption of ICT on organizational performance at the Kenya Wildlife Service (KWS). The target population of focus for this research was the staffs in KWS head office who deal with information technology, the implementation of IT and IT systems. A sample of 80 staff was drawn from the target population of 800 staff who work in the head office. The primary means of collecting data for this study was through the use of questionnaires which used likert scale to generate quantitative data. The study revealed that staff motivation, process efficiency, service quality and customer satisfaction influence performance of an organization as indicated in the coefficient of determination (R-Squared) with a value of 0.633 which explains 63.3 percent of the variation in KWS performance. The difference, 36.7 percent, may be explained by other factors not included in the study.The study recommends that the organization should adopt and utilize a business model which can be used to add value to the organization and assist in the process efficiency which is a key variable in the study. This will result in improved processes and creation of new processes that make it easier for the organization to carry out their mandate and be able to provide better services. The organization should come up with processes and structures that are sufficient. Decision making is a key and as noted in the study, most of the employees view was that ICT has not resulted in better decision making. The management should therefore use technology to be able to distribute power to different people in different capacities in the organization. The study also recommends thorough training of employees before implementation of technologies as some of the employees thought that the implementation of technology will result in them losing their jobs. The study recommends that other aspects that have contributed to the overall growth in performance be looked into as ICT is not the only factor that has resulted in the growth in performance, though it has greatly contributed to the performance.
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