IJSSE Doctoral Consortium on Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management
The IJSSE Doctoral Consortium on Entrepreneurship and Small Business Managegment represents a unique opportunity for doctoral students to present their thesis proposals and obtain useful insight into how their work can be improved and progressed as well as an opportunity for bouncing ideas off on experienced faculty.
The workshop also facilitates the exchange of research experiences and new ideas in the fields of entrepreneurship and small business. The IJSSE Doctoral Consortium is truly a meeting place for both new and experienced researchers from all over the world and an ideal place to network. At IJSSE we encourage students from all over the world to apply.
The consortium will be organized around key challenges and questions offered by the participants. Senior faculty will be assigned to the specific topics to offer advice and experiences. The best project proposal will be awarded a prize of $200.
Doctoral candidates interested in attending and presenting their research proposal (not the result of completed research) should send an abstract, including information on when they commenced their Ph.D. study and when they expect to complete.
The abstract should be organized according to the following guidelines: it should explain (i) the topic and research questions of the research, (ii) the theoretical background, (iii) the proposed methodology, (iv) expected contribution to the field, and (v) three key challenges and questions you would like to discuss at the doctoral consortium.
The abstract are min. 700 - max. 1500 words long, excluding references. Abstracts of empirical papers are asked to use the following headings: Principal Topic - Methods – Expected Contribution. Conceptual papers should also use headings to make the structure of the argument clear. Abstract should be sent to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. no later September 30th 2014.
Please Note - students need not present a paper at the Conference itself to participate, although this is encouraged. The conference fee includes one year’s full membership in IJSSE.
Registration Fee: $200
Provisional Programme
08:30-09:00 - Registration and coffee
09:00-09:30 - Word of welcome
09:30-12:30 - Round table discussion, Q & A session with Senior faculty
12:30-13:30 - Lunch
13:30- 16:10 - Doctoral proposal session program, break out groups with Senior faculty
16:10-16.55 - Key note “Publishing and developing your career as an academic”