Harriet Khatembukhani Lung’aho
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Dr Clive Mukanzi
Department of Entrepreneurship and Procurement
Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture & Technology
CITATION: Lung’aho, H., K. & Mukanzi, C. (2018). Influence Of Succession Planning Strategies On Employee Retention In Non-Governemental Organizations In Kenya. International Journal of Human Resources and Procurement. Vol. 7 (11) pp 1 – 23.
Succession Planning plays an important role in fostering organizational continuity as it provides the platform for identifying and developing suitable heirs to critical roles in an organization. Despite this critical role, many organizations are seemingly constrained in implementing Succession Planning Strategies. Succession planning helps organizations to plan for disasters that may emanate from abrupt losses of staff due to early retirements or natural attrition. The overall objective of the study was to establish the influence of succession planning strategies on employee retention in Non-Governmental Organizations in Kenya. The study aimed to establish the influence of employee development on Employee Retention, to determine how talent management affect Employee Retention, To Examine the influence of human resource policy on Employee Retention and to Evaluate the influence of Top Management Involvement on Employee retention in Non- Governmental Organizations in Kenya. The study discussed both theoretical and empirical literature on succession planning. The study adopted a descriptive research design and the study population comprised of a total of 135 employees in different levels of management. The study used semi-structured questionnaires as the main data collection instrument and a pilot study was carried out to pretest the questionnaires for validity and reliability. The gathered data was subjected to descriptive and inferential statistics data analysis methods using a statistical package for social scientists SPSS. Pearson’s Correlations Analysis and Regression Analysis were also used to support the deductions in the study. Stratified sampling was used to come up with a sample size of one hundred and thirty-five (135) respondents. The study found employee development lead to an opportunity for development which increases employee loyalty, and thus retention, and helps organizations attract the best possible employees. Talent pool development helped organization to identify employees with potential capability to discharge the company's current and future human resourcing requirements and this helps in implementation of succession management practice. Lastly, the study found that HR policies allow an organization to be clear with employees on what is required of them and what they should expect from the organization; what is acceptable and unacceptable behavior. The study recommended for the improvement of HR policy framework, formulation of clear business goals and aligning to broader corporate planning processes, strong support from top management in implementation of succession planning strategies, implementation of talent pool development mechanisms and provide a suitable working condition.
KEY WORDS: Succession Planning, Employee Retention, Employee Development, Talent Pool development, Human Resource Policy.
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