Jones Mosbei Bor
PhD candidate
Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture & Technology (JKUAT),
P.O Box 62000-00200,Nairobi Kenya
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Dr. Patrick Karanja Ngugi, PhD
Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture & Technology (JKUAT),
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Prof. Romanus Odhiambo, Phd
Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture & Technology (JKUAT), Kenya
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CITATION: Bor, J. M., Ngugi, P. K., & Odhiambo, R. (2019). Reverse Logistics and Performance of Food and Beverage Processing Sector in Kenya. International Journal of Human Resources and Procurement. Vol. 8 (3) pp 1 – 10.
This study sought to establish the effect of reverse logistics on performance of food and beverage processing firms in Kenya. The study adopted the theory of reasoned action and institutional theory to instigate the hypotheses. The study used an explanatory research design whereas the target population for study was the key staff in supply chain, production and safety and environment or equivalent managers in the 187 food and beverage processing firms in Kenya. Purposive sampling technique was used since a census of all the 187 food and beverage processing firms was carried out, the data collection instrument was a structured questionnaire and to accomplish the five objectives, five hypotheses were developed and tested. Data analysis was conducted using descriptive statistics and inferential statistics further other statistical tests were done in the study. Presentation of data in form of charts and tables was deemed appropriate for this study. The study found that reverse logistics had a significant and positive influence on performance of food and beverage processing companies in Kenya. The study further found that government regulations had a significant moderating effect on the relationship between reverse logistics and performance of food and beverage processing companies in Kenya. This study therefore concluded that reverse logistics as a green supply chain management practice when properly implemented leads to higher performance in the food and beverage processing sector in Kenya. It recommended that a proper framework of reverse logistics should be put in place so as to steer firm performance.
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Key Words: Reverse Logistics, Green Supply Chain Management, Food and beverage processing companies