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DR. Abdikarim   Ibrahim Abdow, Ph.D.

P.O box 1106-70100, Garissa, Kenya.

Corresponding author: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it



CITATION: Abdow, A., I. (2019) The Influence Of Information And Technology Systems In The Developing Countries: Kenya Case. International Journal of Arts and Entrepreneurship. Vol. 8 (6) pp 14 – 26.


Executive Summary

The paper discusses technology and information systems in relation to corporate world and also explains how the corporate world has embraced or is using technology. It attempts to define important terms such as information technology, technology, information management, Information communication technology and explains the historical background or evolution of technology. It illustrates the impact of information technology in corporate management, organizations competitiveness and how to gain competitive advantage over rivals. Finally, covered in the paper is the use of information and communication technology in staff motivation, mobility of labour and communication then the advantages and disadvantages of use of information technology.  This document also presents the emerging trends in technology management.



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