Daniel Mishael Masetu
Kenya Methodist University
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CITATION: Masetu, D., M. (2021) The Nexus Between Communication Strategy And Performance Contracting Strategy Implementation Among Devolved Units In Kenya. International Journal of Strategic Management. Vol. 10 (10) Pp 1 – 17.
The goal of the performance contracts strategy is to increase service quality, enhance resource usage efficiency and institutionalize a performance-oriented culture in the public service. However, having a strategy that is well formulated is not enough unless it is properly implemented by an organization. Successful strategy implementation requires management involvement that has the resources and authority for its enforcement. The main objective of this study was to establish the effect of communication strategy on implementation of performance contracting strategy among selected county governments of Kenya. A descriptive survey research design was applied in this study. The target population was 963 management staff in selected county government who were hugely involved in implementation of performance contracting strategies. These were drawn from the 3 best performing counties (Makueni County, Kakamega County and Kericho County) and3 worst performing counties (Busia County, Wajir County and Samburu County). A sample population of 126 respondents was selected using stratified random sampling. Primary data was obtained using self-administered questionnaires. The researcher analyzed the quantitative data using descriptive was used for data that is qualitative nature or aspect of the data collected from the open-ended questions. Regression analysis was used to establish the relations between the independent and dependent variables. The information was displayed by use of tables, graphs and in prose-form. The research established that dissemination strategy; style; and consensus affect implementation of performance contracting strategy among selected county governments of Kenya to a moderate extent. The study concluded that communication strategy had a positive and significant effect on the implementation of performance contracting strategy among selected county governments of Kenya (r= 0.151, p=0.000).The study also recommends that in future, the county governments management revises the organizational targets and identify the cross cutting indicators that could be shared evenly among the relevant divisions to avoid overload on one division.
Keywords: Communication strategy, Implementation of performance contracting strategy, Performance-oriented culture, Dissemination strategy, Consensus
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