IJSSE - International Journal of Social Sciences and Entrepreneurship Upcoming Journals: International Journal of Innovation and Management (IJIM), International Journal of Engineering and Architecture (IJEA) & International Journal of Science and Agriculture | IJAE, IJEF & IJHRP Call for Papers - Forthcoming Issue (Decemer 2014). Submission deadline: 25th December 2014 |

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Call for Papers, Nairobi, Kenya 2013

1st Annual International Interdisciplinary Conference, to be held at the Kenya School of Monetary Studies Campus

CONFERENCE THEME: "Entrepreneurship and Sustainability: From Lifestyles to Innovative Enterprises in Creative and Sustainable Economies"
DATE: 2nd - 4th April, 2014
IJSSE would like to welcome everyone to the prestigious 1st  conference on the theme “ENTREPRENEURSHIP AND  SUSTAINABILITY: FROM LIFE STYLES TO INNOVATIVE ENTERPRISES IN CREATIVE AND SUSTAINABLE ECONOMIES”  which will be held at Kenya School of monetary studies  from 2 to 4 April  2014.
IJSSE will be hosting an innovational research conference. This conference will aid scholarly publication across continents and academic communities. IJSSE would like to take this opportunity to invite scholars, researchers, academics and students in Africa and elsewhere to submit abstract or proposals on their research disciplines.
Organized and hosted by International Journal of Social Sciences and Entrepreneurship. This conference will be held between 2st and 4th of April 2014.

The  conference  theme  covers  a  range  of  highly  topical  issues  that  relates  to  the  creative  aspects  of  new opportunity recognition and sustainable growth for enterprises, the economy and society through innovation, technology, collaborative business models, networks and organizational change which issues that are preoccupying the minds of  the entrepreneurs, policy makers, and researchers as attempts are being made to find new directions in the way we  create value driven and entrepreneurial firms and societies. In attempting to answer some of the questions above our objective is to provide a platform for researchers, policy  makers and practitioners to both showcase and grapple with the increasing flow of ideas, resources and knowledge  between businesses, institutions and policy makers. The particular role of entrepreneurship in transforming society through greater and meaningful economic opportunity is to be found in these flows and in the mix of these assets. IJSSE conferences are different from many. The sessions are organized to enable such discourse and debate. The conference will address interdisciplinary practices across the social sciences, and between the social sciences and the natural sciences, applied sciences and the professions. It will work in a multidisciplinary way, across diverse fields and taking varied perspectives in order to address the fundamentals of the social sciences. As well as impressive line-up of international plenary speakers, the conference will include numerous paper, workshop and colloquium presentations by practitioners, teachers and researchers. We would particularly like to invite you to respond to the conference call-for-papers. Presenters may choose to submit written papers for publication in the fully refereed International Journal of Interdisciplinary Social Sciences. If you are unable to attend the conference in person, virtual registrations are also available which allow you to submit a paper for refereeing and possible publication, as well as access to the Journal.

Publication opportunity
Papers accepted for the conference will be published in the conference proceedings, subject to author registration and payment. Selected papers will also be considered for a special issue of the International Journal of social sciences and Entrepreneurship. Both innovation and entrepreneurship are generally under-researched and the advisory group for the conference invites submissions of both academic and practitioner papers on a wide range of topics and a wide range of scholarly approaches including theoretical and empirical papers employing qualitative, quantitative and critical methods. Academic research, case studies and work-in-progress/posters are welcomed approaches. PhD Research, proposals for roundtable discussions, non-academic contributions and product demonstrations based on the main themes are also invited. You can find full details in the submission type’s document on International Journal of social sciences and Entrepreneurship. Submission details are given below. Possible topics include, but are not limited to:
Economics of Entrepreneurship and Innovation:
  • Economic geography
  • Regional development and economies
  • Welfare society
  • Investment decision-making
  • Entrepreneurial dimensions and economic growth
  • Global development
  • Venture capital
  • New social economy entrepreneurship
  • Project financing
  • Macro-economic growth theory
  • Innovation and regional economic development
  • Best practice
Entrepreneurship and innovation for educators:
  • Learning regions
  • Entrepreneurship training and development
  • Academic entrepreneurship
  • University-enterprise cooperation
  • Evolutionary learning.
  • Challenging academic and business conventions
  • Entrepreneurial Learning and Teaching in Higher Education
  • Innovation education
  • Learning organization
  • Entrepreneurial didactics, learning and impact
  • Research-based spin-offs
Entrepreneurship and innovation in business:
  • Business angels
  • Entrepreneurship development programmes
  • New venture creation
  • Assumption based planning
  • Intrapreneurship
  • e-Commerce
  • Small and medium enterprises (SME’s)
  • Strategic management
  • Web design
  • Innovation and product design
  • Business simulation
  • Strategic alignment
  • Start-up management
  • Employment growth
  • Competitive advantages.
  • Logics, Heuristics and Strategies in International Entrepreneurship

  • Entrepreneurs from all sectors.
  • University faculty and postgraduate students in the field of Human Resource,   Entrepreneurship, Finance, Procurement, Business Administration, Supply Chain, Innovation , Arts and Science.
  • Leaders in education and other appropriate public institution administration
  • Business executives, lawyers, accountants and other accomplished individual who support and assist entrepreneurs and emerging companies
  • Government leaders, public policy professionals, and program managers who develop or supervise programs to support entrepreneurship, business growth and innovation
Full Papers
Papers must be between 10–20 pages, including illustrations/tables and references, due on 2ND April 2014.
Interactive Presentations
An  interactive  presentation,  for  the  purposes  of  this  conference,  is  either  a  photographic  presentation  or  a  video-graphic presentation. Some research is easily adapted to this style, especially in the area of case studies and role plays. If your presentation is in this category, please indicate it in your proposal and also indicate what accessory it may require.
Panel Sessions
Proposals for panel discussions or presentations of 3–5 people are welcome. The panel members (with names, institution, contact, paper title and abstract) you propose must agree in advance of submission to participate as panel presenters and to register for the conference.
Ethical Considerations
Authorship: Authors must give credit through references or notes to the original author of any idea or concept presented in the paper and proposal. This includes direct quotations and paraphrases. Publication  or  Presentation  History: If  material  in  your  presentation  has  been  published,  presented,  or accepted for publication or presentation, this must be disclosed in your paper and proposal. Please note that depending on the decision of the reviewers, this may render your material ineligible.
Conference Attendance
If your panel, paper, or interactive display presentation is accepted for this conference, you have a commitment to register for and attend the conference and perform your assigned role. All chairs and respondents also make this commitment.
If extenuating circumstances prevent you from attending, please find a substitute to perform your duties and notify the organizers through the contacts given in this Call for Papers.
Paper Publication
Select papers will be published in a post-conference book or conference proceedings.

Abstracts should be submitted electronically (by e-mail), in MS Word format on the Abstract.

Presenters should forward an abstract by January 15th, 2014, indicating their respective thematic areas and modes of presentations whether oral or poster. The abstract must not exceed 300 words (English only) typed in Times New Roman font 12 and line spacing 1.5. The abstract should describe the main objective(s) of the study; an outline of how the study was done as well as a summary of the most important results and their significance. The title, author(s) name and affiliations, mailing address, e-mail address and telephone numbers should be furnished. The full title must be 150 characters or fewer. It should be specific, descriptive, concise, and comprehensible to readers outside the subject field. Between 3 and 5 keywords should also be included. Please email the abstract via email to: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
Send abstracts not exceeding 300 words, including full contact details (title, name, address, email address and telephone) as well as
institutional affiliation to: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
Some papers presented at the conference will be selected and published in edited volumes and journals affiliated to IJSSE. Submission Form to the conference administrator at the following e-mail address:
This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

  • All authors interested in presenting a paper are invited to submit an abstract as an email attachment on the attached Abstract Submission Form.
  • Full contact details and institutional affiliation of authors must be given.
  • Format of Abstract: electronic format as MS Word document
  • An abstract in English: 150-300.
  • English will be the medium for presentations.
  • All abstracts will be reviewed and may be selected for presentation.
  • Notification of acceptance/non acceptance will be e-mailed to the Author(s).
  • Failure to register by the presenting Author will automatically render the Abstract not be
  • Included in the final programme.
  • Please note that submission of an abstract entails a commitment to attend and present
  • The paper should the abstract be accepted.

January, 15th 2014 - Abstract Submission Deadline
January, 20th 2014 - Notification of Acceptance
February, 1st 2014 - Deadline for Submission of Revised Abstract
February, 15th 2014 - Deadline for Submission of Full Paper
February 30th 2014 - Deadline Submission of Revised Full Paper
March, 1st 2014 - Early Registration
March, 15th 2014 - Publication of Book of Abstract
March, 30th 2014 - Arrival of Conference Participants
April, 1st - 5th 2014 - Conference
July, 31st 2014 - Publication of Journal/Conf. Proceedings

FOR ANY QUESRIES, PLEASE CONSULT This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
Publication Disclaimer: The accountability of the article published in IJSSE journals is entirely of the author(s) concerned and not of the publisher/editor. The view expressed in the articles of any IJSSE journal is those of the contributors, and it does not essentially correspond to the views of the publisher/editor. It is responsibility of the authors to seek copyright clearance for any part of the content of the articles. The publisher/editor of IJSSE journals is not liable for errors or any consequences arising from the exercise of information contained in it.
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