IJSSE - International Journal of Social Sciences and Entrepreneurship Upcoming Journals: International Journal of Innovation and Management (IJIM), International Journal of Engineering and Architecture (IJEA) & International Journal of Science and Agriculture | IJAE, IJEF & IJHRP Call for Papers - Forthcoming Issue (Decemer 2014). Submission deadline: 25th December 2014 |

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All submitted manuscripts are sent for review unless they are out of scope or below the threshold level of the journal. The manuscripts will be sent to two experts for an informed recommendation on whether the articles should be accepted for publication. Statistical reviewers are also used where necessary. We employ a 'single-blind' reviewing system (where the reviewers remains anonymous to author, but the reviewers knows the identity of the author). Once the reviews have been received by the editor, a decision is made whether to accept the manuscript, ask for a revised version, or reject it. Ultimate responsibility for editorial decisions rests with the Editor-in-chief of that journal. Reviewers are asked to declare any competing interests.

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