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Joel Kiprono Mibey

 College of Human Resource Development

 Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology


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Dennis Juma


College of Human Resource Development


Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology


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CITATION: Juma, D. & Mibey, J. K. Influence of Organisational Culture on Organisational Performance: A Case Study of a Kenya Airline. International Journal of Human Resource and Procurement 4 (10), 25-50.




The study was conducted with the main objective of determining the influence of organizational culture on the performance of a Kenyan International Airline. That is determining the current culture of the organization and secondly to investigate the influence of organizational culture in the performance of this Kenyan Airline. The airline has over the years put in place initiatives to develop an organizational culture that enhances performance. However the effects of these initiatives have yet to be investigated. To carry out the study questionnaires were used to capture the required data targeted at members of management staff at their Head office in Nairobi. The influence of an organizational culture on the well-being of the business organization has been a subject of many studies of late. Culture has been explicitly recognized by many organizational researchers as one of the key component of a successful organization. This study therefore sought to investigate the influence of organizational culture on the organizational performance with special focus on a Kenyan airline. The research adopted a descriptive research design. The target population composed of 874 members of management staff at Airline’s headquarters in Nairobi stratified through levels of management staff. From each stratum the study used simple random sampling to select 90 respondents; this was 10 % of the target population. The researcher administered questionnaire to each respondent. Organizational culture was measured using competing value framework developed by Cameron and Quinn. The researcher carried out a pilot study to pretest and validates the questionnaire. Quantitative data collected was  analysed using SPSS and presented through percentages, means, and a Pearson correlation was used to assess the relationship between the independent variable, organizational culture and the dependent variable, organizational performance. The findings indicate that all the organizational cultures which were the subject of this study that is market culture, Clan culture, Adhocracy culture and Hierarchy culture influence the organizational performance. Based on the Competing Values Framework it can be concluded that as an organization the airline is leaning towards Market Culture and Hierarchy which focus more on Stability and Control and less on Clan Culture and Adhocracy that leans towards flexibility and discretion.


Key Words: Organizational Culture, Organizational Performance, Competing Values Framework.



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