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Collins Mase

School of Human Resource; Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology


Dr. Wario Guyo, PhD

Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology



CITATION: Mase, C. & Guyo, W. (2016). EFFECT OF SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT ON THE PERFOMANCE OF PRIVATE HOSPITALS IN KENYA: International Journal of Finance & Business Studies. Vol.4(5) pp 113-127



This study is a comprehensive evaluation of the effect of supply chain management on the performance of private Hospitals in Kenya. The study sought to achieve various objectives through its independent variables. These were the effects of supply chain related activities like supply chain forecasting, purchase management, supply chain contract management, outsourcing management and inventory management on the organizational performance of these private hospitals. Descriptive research design was used to identify the effects of supply chain management in the performance of private hospitals in Kenya. The population of the study was the 379 registered private Hospitals and Nursing Homes according to Kenya Medical Directory 2013/2014.Stratified random sampling technique was used to select a sample size of 114 hospitals. The study used both primary and secondary data with the primary data collected through structured questionnaires and secondary data collected from journals, books, internet and empirical reports. The study generated both qualitative and quantitative data. The study established that forecast management, purchasing management, contract management, outsourcing management inventory management has effects on the performance of private hospitals and other health care facilities in Kenya. The study concluded that supply chain management enhances accuracy in forecasts, provides speed in inventory management, reduces the cost of managing private hospitals, helps with proper controls in inventory management and finally provides efficiency in all levels of management.


(Supply chain Management; Supply chain forecasting, Purchase management, contract management, outsourcing management, Inventory management



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