Justine Kibet Langat1
Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology
Dr. Pamela Getuno2
Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology
CITATION: Langat, J., K. & Getumo, P. (2016). Challenges in Implementing Sustainable Supply Chain Management Among Selected Supermarkets In Nairobi, Kenya. International Journal of Human Resources and Procurement. Vol. 5(10) Pp 48 - 59
The purpose of this study was to find out the challenges encountered by supermarkets in implementing sustainable supply chain management in Kenya. The study focused on five supermarkets in Nairobi CBD area and they are; Nakumatt, Naivas, Ukwala, Tuskys and Uchumi. The specific objectives were to establish the extent organization culture, resources; stakeholders and government regulation affect implementation of SSCM among selected supermarkets in Nairobi CBD area. The study was guided by organization culture theory, systems theory, resource based view theory and institutional theory. The study employed a descriptive research design. The target population comprised of 92 managers in the five selected supermarkets. They included senior managers, branch managers/assistant branch managers and departmental heads. Since the study population was small and variable, census approach was adopted whereby all the 92 managers formed the sample size of the study. Primary data was collected by administration of questionnaires to the managers. A pilot survey was conducted whereby 5 respondents in the five supermarkets in CBD area participated. Descriptive and inferential statistics were used for the analysis, and data was presented using frequency tables, bar graphs and pie charts. The findings showed that organization culture, stakeholder involvement, resources and government policies influence implementation of sustainable supply chain management. The study concluded that management support influence implementation of sustainable supply chain management. Stakeholders, such as manufacturers, supplier and customers influence the implementation of sustainable supply chain management. Resources and especially financial resources are also important in the implementation of SSCM. The study recommends awareness creation among supermarkets in Kenya on how to implement sustainable procurement and the government to create legally binding policies and framework of enforcing implementation of sustainable supply chain management measures.
Key Words: Sustainable supply chain management, selected supermarkets, organization culture, stakeholder involvement, resources allocation, government regulations
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