Vincent Muteti Mutula
College of Human Resource and Development,
Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology
P. O. Box 62000, 00200 Nairobi, Kenya
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Dr. Allan Kihara
Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology
P. O. Box 62000, 00200 Nairobi, Kenya
CITATION: Mutula, V., M., & Kihara, A. (2017) Determinants of Procurement Performance Among Logistics Companies in Nairobi, Kenya. International Journal of Human Resources and Procurement. Vol. 6 (10) pp 21 – 40.
This study sought to establish the determinants of procurement performance in logistic companies in Nairobi, Kenya. The study was guided by the following objectives: To examine the influence of quality policy, supplier management, contract management and information technology adoption on procurement performance in logistic companies in Nairobi, Kenya. This study adopted a descriptive survey. The target population of the study was 80 sampled procurement heads of the logistics companies. From on the study findings, the study concludes that procurement performance in logistics companies is affected by quality policy, supplier management, contract management and ICT integration as the major factors that mostly affect procurement performance in logistics firms in Kenya. The study is a milestone for further research in the field of procurement performance in logistics companies Africa and particularly in Kenya. The findings demonstrated the important factors to procurement performance in logistics companies to include; quality policy, supplier management, contract management and ICT integration. This implies that these variables are very significant and they therefore need to be considered in any effort to boost procurement perfomance in logistics companies. The current study should therefore be expanded further in future in order to determine the effect of procurement legal framework on effective implementation of procurement practices in the logistics companies.
Key Words: Quality policy, Supplier Management, Contract Management, ICT integration, Procurement Performance
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